We drove down on Saturday, checked in, played at the playground a bit, had dinner, and went to bed. From past camping experiences with the kids, we knew they wouldn't go to sleep while it was still light, and sure enough, Theo finally fell asleep around 9:50pm. Sunday morning we woke up and got to the Newport Aquarium mere minutes after it opened. Our first stop was the children's area, where a rousting game of Teeter-Totter quickly formed, consisting of the kids running around with pillows on their heads yelling "Teeter Totter" and falling down (on purpose).

We of course did traditional aquarium activities, such as poking soft animals with a finger:

Theo and Vivian climbed a lot:

In the afternoon when the kids wouldn't nap, we separated them by taking Theo to the beach. He got cold (we got really lucky with the weather the entire time and this was by far the worst weather period of the trip), so he wore my coat. We dug a river channel in the sand:

He had me draw a track in the sand, and he ran on it:
That evening the resort held a magic show but the kids melted less than halfway through. Monday morning we went to a beach again and played for two hours until the tide came in and washed over Daddy's wall of sand.

Midday we drove to McMinnville, had lunch, and went to the Evergreen Aviation Museum, home to the Spruce Goose. It had a great kids area with ride-on planes.