We spent last weekend in fabulous Victoria, BC. We had been once before, five years ago, but on that trip we took the Washington State Ferry to Vancouver Island. (Victoria is on the southern tip of Vancouver Island, while Vancouver the city is on the mainland and therefore much easier to visit.) This time, we took the Victoria Clipper, which leaves from downtown Seattle instead of Anacortes, makes no stops between here and there, and takes about two hours less. Of course, it's also passenger only (last time we took a car) and costs more, which is why we've never done it before.
But we scored an awesome package deal for two round trip fares, one night's lodging, and afternoon tea. On our last visit, we stopped only for an afternoon in Victoria proper. This time, we stayed there the better part of two days, and did all of our sightseeing by foot.
I highly recommend it, as we had a fabulous time. It also happened to be BC Day on the Monday, so although we didn't realize it at the time, we went on a holiday weekend to the provincial capitol.
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