I'm having a hard time adjusting to the fact that the month of May, much like April, is gone before I had a chance to notice. We did spend the first part of the month in Hawaii, and then my mom and sister came to town right after we got back to Seattle. I had a big performance on May 15th, singing and making my debut harp performance, and helped coordinate the spaghetti dinner for 100 part of the evening. Which explains where that time went.
Then Memorial Day rolled around, and we had a wedding to attend, and friends over for relaxing on the holiday itself. We took the last weekend to run down to Cape Disappointment State Park for a night. It's near Long Beach, WA in the lower southwestern corner of the state, only one long bridge over the Columbia River from Oregon. Despite the much cooler temperatures there - the high hit 65, I think, while in Seattle it soared into the 90's for the same time - we had a great time and will probably go back again. They have the lightkeeper's house that can be rented out, which seems interesting.
And then it was on to June fun.
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