See the entire gallery or just my favorites from February below.

Theo trying to catch water in his mouth during bath time.
Vivian with her first Valentine from Granny P. She's trying to figure it out by flipping it over and over.
Vivian and Theo in their University of Cincinnati attire. This photo is as good as I got when trying to get a shot of both of them, much less where the shirts are also legible. I tried again with assistance later in the evening and we scored these.
Theo laughing.
Vivivan going "luh luh luh" by wagging her tongue back and forth outside her mouth - one of her newer noises and super cute.
Theo opening his Valentine's card from Grandma and Granddaddy on Valentine's Day.
Vivian and Theo in Theo's crib with all the stuffed animals. Filling the crib is one of Theo's favorite things to do when he wakes up from nap and this time he requested Vivian as well.
Vivian was totally on board with this plan.
Ashley and Theo performing a duet on the piano.
Theo lounging on the arm of the yellow sofa while Skyping with Grandma and Granddaddy.
Theo putting the finishing touches on one of his tower bridge over the train track creations.
Theo in the ball box with the balls and his animals. The ball box is definitely worse for the wear at this point, despite the application of multiple rounds of tape on the corners.
Tetley kisses.
Vivian after a heartily enjoyed meal of self-fed macaroni and cheese with baked beans.
Vivian playing peekaboo.
Vivian trying on sunglasses and a sun hat before our trip to Texas. This white hat still sort of fits from the previous summer.
Vivian eating her toes.
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